Used components
This website, its sub-products and derivatives, and other related sites use the components listed on this page in their construction.
All licenses for each component are listed on their respective page(s).
If you are able to identify a component that is not listed here, but that is definitely used in any of the entities listed above, please use the contact form to let me know immediately. It is possible that I may have missed dependencies, or implicit dependencies that have a distinct licensing system.
- Microsoft ASP.NET
- Microsoft Entity Framework Core
- Blazor WebAssembly
- CsvHelper, by Josh Close
- FluentValidation
- My own IX.StandardExtensions
- LazyCache, by Alastair Crabtree
- MaxMind GeoIP2
- Microsoft SignalR
- BouncyCastle
- Quartz Scheduler
- Twilio SendGrid C# API
- Serilog
- WestWind MarkDown, by Rick Strahl
- Microsoft ASP.NET
- Blazor WebAssembly
- Fonticons FontAwesome
- Tempus Dominus
- highlight.js
- Popper
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Blazor Bootstrap
- jQuery Validation Plugin
- jQuery Unobtrusive Validation Plugin
Document metadata
Last update: 17th January, 2023