Log in
This site uses a simple login mechanism by validating one's e-mail address.
That's it, it's that simple.
No further information about you is collected, and login is entirely optional. However, if you do log in, a cookie will be set on your machine to enable the session state. Login functionality cannot work without it. By continuing to log in, you agree to the use of this cookie.
Also, anything that you do while being logged in (such as sending a message) may, depending on the nature of the action, be in some way, shape or form, be recorded. Such recordings will not be made available to anyone, except in cases mandated by law.
Any action that you may have performed on this site will be removed on request (based on a request in any shape or form from a user that can be reliably validated to be the one that has done the actions).
At this time, there is no intention to process the minute amount of data that is being collected, and its purpose is solely to ensure proper functioning of this website.