Dependency monitor
This is a list of repositories to monitor, in order to help me in my projects.
While I will monitor the repositories myself every now and then, any notification of updates that I may miss until later on are welcome. Just drop me a line at the contact page.
Monitored repositories
- Gravatar HTML helper - last checked: 2022-09-01, last commit b03ff4c on 2017-01-07
- Jira SDK - last checked: 2022-02-21, last commit 26e83e9 on 2022-02-12 (on hold)
- UTF-unknown - last checked: 2022-09-01, last commit 53af842 on 2022-07-24 by myself
- - last checked: 2022-09-01, last commit c27a91f on 2022-08-27
- StyleCop Analyzers - last checked: 2022-09-01, last commit 6478404 on 2022-06-22
Other monitored dependencies
- IANA TLD list - last checked: 2022-09-01